Beetroot is our secret ingredient and it's from the organic garden! It is a winter seasonal vegetable and by buying it from organic farmers we contribute to the sustainability of the place where we live. It is an excellent source of folic acid, antioxidants, and minerals as well as potassium, phosphorus, and iron.
An excellent source of enzymes, vitamin C and those of group B (B1, B2, B3 and B). It is ideal for you if you want to raise the defenses of your immune system.
If one day your friend feels low in energy and what you want is to share with her the energy balls made with beets! Or you have slept little and today it is your turn to be on the lookout, or you simply want to give your body a gift of thanks and contribute to well-being and health.

Our invitation from live food with me ecochef Kalo Kostadinov and the Ecohotel el Agua is to make these pink panther energy balls with a lot of vitality and the most interesting thing is to observe what sensation you receive after tasting them. For me they are fuel to reach experiences of happiness.


For the Pink Panther Energy Balls (20 units)

  • 2 C peanut butter
  • 2C coconut oil
  • 0.400kg Dates (soaked and pitted)
  • Lemon zest
  • 2 C – Cocoa/ carob /
  • 4 blocks of 100% cocoa chocolate bar or cocoa nibs
  • 0.400 kg grated coconut
  • To personalise: 100 gr raisins/figs/ dried apricots, 0.150 kg mint/nettle/dandelion/fennel, fruit cream to accompany


Grind the lemon peel together with the rest of the dry ingredients, 2/3 parts of the grated coconut. Melt the coconut oil and mix it with the peanut butter.
Add it to the finely grated beetroot (squeeze its juice between your hands, you can drink it or reserve it for another recipe)
Add the dates (our natural sweetener) also ground, making them well incorporated.
Finally add the mint (or your favorite aromatic, the fresh green leaves are full of chlorophyll and biophotons) and the finely chopped cocoa tablet.
Enjoy making balls (or another preferred shape) of the dough and coating in grated coconut
Put it in the fridge for about 8 hours until it takes shape.



Beetroot is our secret ingredient and it's from the organic garden! It is a winter seasonal vegetable and by buying it from organic farmers we contribute to the sustainability of the place where we live. It is an excellent source of folic acid, antioxidants, and minerals as well as potassium, phosphorus, and iron.
An excellent source of enzymes, vitamin C and those of group B (B1, B2, B3 and B). It is ideal for you if you want to raise the defenses of your immune system.
If one day your friend feels low in energy and what you want is to share with her the energy balls made with beets! Or you have slept little and today it is your turn to be on the lookout, or you simply want to give your body a gift of thanks and contribute to well-being and health.

Our invitation from live food with me ecochef Kalo Kostadinov and the Ecohotel el Agua is to make these pink panther energy balls with a lot of vitality and the most interesting thing is to observe what sensation you receive after tasting them. For me they are fuel to reach experiences of happiness.


For the Pink Panther Energy Balls (20 units)

  • 2 C peanut butter
  • 2C coconut oil
  • 0.400kg Dates (soaked and pitted)
  • Lemon zest
  • 2 C – Cocoa/ carob /
  • 4 blocks of 100% cocoa chocolate bar or cocoa nibs
  • 0.400 kg grated coconut
  • To personalise: 100 gr raisins/figs/ dried apricots, 0.150 kg mint/nettle/dandelion/fennel, fruit cream to accompany


Grind the lemon peel together with the rest of the dry ingredients, 2/3 parts of the grated coconut. Melt the coconut oil and mix it with the peanut butter.
Add it to the finely grated beetroot (squeeze its juice between your hands, you can drink it or reserve it for another recipe)
Add the dates (our natural sweetener) also ground, making them well incorporated.
Finally add the mint (or your favorite aromatic, the fresh green leaves are full of chlorophyll and biophotons) and the finely chopped cocoa tablet.
Enjoy making balls (or another preferred shape) of the dough and coating in grated coconut
Put it in the fridge for about 8 hours until it takes shape.


First book your accommodation and then our team will send you more information to personalize your stay in terms of food and treatments.